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FOR ALL EVENTS: Judge stops time with flag. Judge's discretion to flag on header or heeler - judge will declare before each event. 5 seconds added if heeler only legs a steer.
NO animal abuse will be tolerated! Handle the horses and cattle with dignity and respect.
This is a ranch rodeo competition but also a preview to show sale horses entered in the ranch rodeo - events have been designed to best showcase your horse.
Thank you!
-Heritage Livestock
Event #1: Team Penning
Sort and drive 3 designated steers over the chalk line into pen at opposite end of arena from herd. Once a designated steer crosses line towards pen it cannot cross line back to herd = no time. Undesignated steers must be brought back to herd side before calling for time. Any roughing of cattle by judge's discretion = no time.
Event #2: Funnel Roping
Sort 1 designated steer from the herd through a funnel of panels in the center of the arena. Chalk line at the end of the funnel - once the steer has crossed the line, head and heel him. 1 loop per rider. If the steer gets back to the herd side of the chalk line = no time.
Goal is to handle horses and steer with sense and subtle movement.
Event #3: Branding
1 steer released in arena. Judge declares start for riders.
1 loop per rider - head and heel steer. Third rider is to get the branding iron while horseback, brand steer on rib horseback, and return iron horseback. Rider may dismount to retrieve dropped iron but must remount immediately.
Only taking 10, three man teams
70% Payback to top 3 teams
Plus prizes from R Bar B of Topeka, KS
Minimum of 1 horse per team must be in the catalog sale
***$600 BONUS available to winning team if all three horses are in the catalog sale*** ($200 to each consignor on the winning team that SELLS their horse in Saturday's catalog sale)