Catalog Consignment Contract
Heritage Livestock Spring Catalog Sale - April 12 , 2025
Consignment Forms are DUE March 15
Please view the Spring Catalog Sale page on our website for clarification on the Proven, Regular, and Open sessions of the sale.
If consigning multiple head under same consignor, questions with (+) may be skipped after first horse has been consigned. Thank you. FOOTNOTE: Please note - our catalog footnotes are limited to 650 characters. Please type what you wish to have printed in the catalog here. We reserve the right to edit footnotes for grammatical errors.
Disclaimer for buyer's concern (i.e. cribs, maintenance required, cold-backed, etc)
Only HIGH QUALITY photos will be used for online advertisement. A professional profile picture of your horse is recommended.
Full body conformation shots or flattering action shots are accepted. Simple, uncluttered backgrounds are best, with the sun behind the photographer. Upload limit of five photos. Management reserves the right to not post poor quality pictures.
VIDEOS must be sent in as a YOUTUBE link.
DEADLINE for YouTube links to be sent in is April 9th.
If you need assistance with photos of your consigned horse(s), Meghan Raucher of Heritage Livestock offers professional photography services. Please call or text for pricing & availability: (417) 316-0992 YouTube links can be submitted until April 9th - send to . Any videos sent in any other way will NOT be added to the catalog or played in the sale ring.
I am presenting these statements to be true and I am aware that Heritage Livestock, LLC acts as a medium between seller and buyer only. I will honor any recommendation or guarantee that I announce at this auction to buyer of this horse. I am aware that in the event the horse I consigned can't be present at the auction, I am not allowed to substitute another horse and I forfeit the spot and consignment fee. I am aware that payment from Heritage Livestock, LLC will be mailed in five business days from April 12, 2025 (date of this sale). I agree to these terms & conditions.
Payment & Conditions
Proven Session: $150 non-refundable consignment fee.
Regular Session: $100 non-refundable consignment fee.
Payable via credit card or PayPal on next screen (3.5% processing fee).
Consignments will not be official until fees are paid. We cannot deduct consignment fees from proceeds.
Care, custody and control of this horse is seller's responsibility until sold in auction. All horses must pass through the auction ring. Selling commission is 8% of the sale price. $10 yardage + $0.50 per $100 of sale price insurance/horse. $100 PO fee. Absolutely no private sales on premises! If horse is not sold in auction and sells on premises, Heritage Livestock, LLC is still entitled to its selling com mission. If horse is sold after exiting the sale ring, please come to the sale office to settle up.
Registered horses must have original certificate and correctly completed transfers or will be sold as Grade. All horses must have a current, negative Coggins and out of state horses must have health certificate. Vet will be on-site to pull coggins.
I have read and accept all the terms & conditions of this contract. By checking this box, I am aware it is legally binding. Please check here: I have read and accept the terms & conditions
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Thank you for consigning to our Spring Catalog Sale. We will do our best to sell for you.